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Tenor training courses

E-invoicing, automotive EDI, supplier deployment, EDIFACT standard…


Our E-Invoicing training

[Training] E-Invoice
The deployment of e-invoicing is accelerating and the deadline is 2024. This training will allow you to anticipate the changes for your company in terms of electronic invoicing.

Our EDI training courses

[Training] Interpreting EDI standards
You know the basic concepts of EDI. You want to get into the details of GALIA automotive messages. Follow our training!

Our automotive EDI training courses

[Training] EDI in the automotive sector
Discovery of EDI applied to the automotive sector : understand, discover or formalize your skills and knowledge acquired through experience.
[Training] Automotive EDI in SAP and iDoc format
Would you like to learn how to integrate automotive EDI messages into SAP and master the iDoc format? Do you need to know what data is useful and what transactions are required, how to feed an iDoc and monitor data integration in SAP?

Our GALIA automotive EDI training courses

[Training] The fundamentals of automotive EDI with GALIA
By simplifying, automating, accelerating and increasing the reliability of information flows between partners, EDI enables automotive manufacturers to reduce administrative and logistical overheads. Discover the fundamentals of EDI!
[Training] The EDIFACT standard in the automotive industry with GALIA
Widely used in the automotive industry, EDI is a must between customers and suppliers. In this training course, discover the technical basics to understand EDIFACT standards.


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