All about e-invoice

Livre blanc facture electronique

Note: For the moment, all our white papers are only available in French.



Why a white paper on e-invoice ?  



The legal deadlines for e-invoice are fast approaching.
Before embarking on the implementation of an e-invoicing tool, it is important to know the stakes and benefits of adopting such a system in your company.
We have written this white paper to help you better understand the changes that the reform will bring about.


The white paper recalls the next deadlines of the e-invoice.


Whether you are an SME or a large company, all of them will eventually be affected by e-invoice. This is the time to take stock of existing solutions and the investments to be made.

Content of our white paper


We propose to provide you with all the elements available to date in order to master all the challenges of electronic invoicing.


In summary :

  • The basics of electronic invoicing
  • E-invoices in BtoG and BtoB
  • The regulatory framework and its evolutions for 2024
  • The implementation of the reform in the company
  • The new actors of the e-invoice (PPF, PDP, OD)

You have a need regarding e-invoicing. Let’s discuss it !


Our blog articles on e-invoicing


Our experts regularly publish articles on EDI, EAI and E-Invoicing in the blog section of the site.

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