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E-invoicing reform : how to comply now ? (Level 2)


How to implement e-invoicing in your company ?


Note: For the moment, all our webinars are only available in French.

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Get ready now!


Have you already participated in our Level 1 webinar on e-invoicing or are you already familiar with the new regulatory framework ? Do you want to know the concrete implications of the new regulation on your relationships with your customers and suppliers ? Do you want to know more about the different options available to you ?

Then this webinar is for you!

Discover in this webinar all the ins and outs of the e-invoicing reform and ask all your questions to our expert !

About the program



  • Reminder of the scope and key points of the reform
  • The data of the e-invoice
  • The Y-shaped architecture and its different variations
  • Roles and responsibilities of the PDP (supplier case / customer case)
  • Life cycle flow and directory flow

An expert to answer all your questions


The webinar is hosted by our E-Invoicing Market Director, Eric DELVART.
With more than 25 years of experience in electronic data interchange, Eric is an active member of several working groups on e-invoicing : DGFIP partner platforms working group, working group on Article 153 and on the interoperability of FNFE platforms, Electronic Invoice working group of Agro EDI Europe… He is also a member of the DGFIP relay community.
Take advantage of his expertise and ask him all your questions at the end of the session !


Upcoming dates


Currently being updated


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